Stop The Marvin Nichols Reservoir
Help put an end to a $7 billion project that uses eminent domain to seize 200,000 acres of private property to build an outdated, inefficient reservoir.
Join Our Fight
A reservoir is a 1950’s solution to a 21st century problem.
In a recent study, “Researchers have found that the amount of water evaporating from lakes is significantly more than previously thought, and that reservoirs may play an outsized role in the process according to a new NASA-funded study…” Reservoirs are drought and evaporation prone and are simply not a sustainable long-term solution. There are more than 120 reservoirs currently in the state of Texas yet problems maintaining a consistent and reliable water supply continue to persist. One more reservoir will do more harm in Northeast Texas than good, and we must say NO.

“I wish the people of Dallas-Fort Worth knew the value of this land, the real value of land that been in a family this long.”
Does Dallas-Fort Worth need more water?
The Marvin Nichols Reservoir would be built to provide the DFW Metroplex with additional water resources. Yet rather than look to conservation and resources in their own community to meet growing water needs, the region has decided the solution is to take 200,000 acres of private land in Northeast Texas to build a reservoir, with the water pumped to the DFW Metroplex.
But do they need more water? The short answer is no.
There are plenty of sustainable solutions for water supply for the DFW Metroplex without impacting the land and people of Northeast Texas. These include:
– Tapping existing water resources such as Lake Texoma and Toledo Bend Reservoir
– Increased reuse and recycling of existing supplies
– Conservation
– Water reuse
– Fixing leaky pipes
– Infrastructure
– New technologies
DFW has enough water supply now to meet their basic usages in homes and businesses, but half their water usage is for lawn watering and other non-essential uses.
We know that not everyone in the DFW area is over-using water this way. And, of course, we believe it is all Texans should have access to basic necessities. It is a core Texas belief to support small businesses and economies, protect private property, and to treat each other with kindness. We invite anyone who shares those beliefs with us to join the fight and help us say no to Marvin Nichols!
It's time to stop the Marvin Nichols Reservoir
There are untapped water resources that are cost-effective and avoid the negative impacts of building the Marvin Nichols Reservoir
Property Rights